髪を結った時の頭痛 Headache at the time of her hair done








When working with a woman, when the hair is tied tightly, the head may tingle.

This is often because the great occipital nerve coming out from the posterior branch of the second cervical vertebra is stimulated.

Since this great occipital nerve is distributed in the skin, it is characterized by tingling pain on the surface, and anastomoses with the ophthalmic nerve coming from the eye near the top of the head.

Because the great occipital nerve and the optic nerve interact with each other, abnormalities in the ophthalmic nerve may appear as pain in the great occipital nerve.

The place where the anastomosis occurs is called a neural bud, and it expands a little when touched. The headache is improved by eliminating this bulge.

There seems to be some kind of relationship because there is a acupuncture points headache near the anastomosis.

We perform neural manipulation and acupuncture at this hospital.