ランニングによる貧血 Anemia due to running









If a shock continues to be applied to the sole of a shoe such as running or jumping, red blood cells are crushed between the sole and the shoe, causing iron deficiency anemia.

Usually, the stored iron (ferritin) present in the liver, spleen, heart, etc. compensates for the deficiency, but when it is used up, serum iron is used, and when it is deficient, hemoglobin made from iron is depleted and anemia develops. happen.

In the case of women, there may be bleeding due to menstruation, so if you are complaining about shortness of breath, headache, or malaise in a female athlete who is playing sports, consider iron deficiency anemia.

The parts that appear in the body include whitening of the eyelid conjunctiva and warping of the nails.

Normal values ​​of 13.0 g / dl for men, 12.0 g / dl for women, and 11.0 g / dl for the elderly are lower than normal, which increases the possibility of iron deficiency anemia. (If it is high, it is often called erythrocytosis, and smokers often become.)

Treatment is taken with an iron agent called heme iron (ferrous fumarate) for 60 days.

As time passes, serum iron, then hemoglobin increases, and finally ferritin increases.